The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Adventures of a Deviant Witch: 2 of Pentacles

As the Gypsy Raven dances in the midst of Chaos our journey begins.. The Waxing Moon has brought good news to us and yet a death omen. Her hips sway to the east the holder of wisdom, the keeper of the winds... bringing balance as she sways sharp to the west, the lover of emotions, the spirit waters of old.. She dances in circles raising energy; her body submissive to the Old Ones, possessed. In her hands Discs with Stars engraved upon them flying through the air as she twirls to the heavens and crashes down to earth. High and Low! Her people chant creating more energy to the center of her show. The Gypsy Raven trances for new beginnings, to aid her people in battle! The Blue Flame ignites in the center, consuming her! Suspended in air as the flames take her, the people keep to their chants. The Gypsy ecstatic lets out her final spell... 'Knosce te Ipsum' and as fast as she casts the Blue Flame Consumes her, shifting, returning her to that which she came.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Pounding of the Old Ones Moves the Soul
Blue Fire of the In-Between creates a Door
Through It Walk, Same… No More
Lift Up, Our Bodies Meet
Divine and Primal
Physical, Raw, Sensual
Coming Down to join the Earth
Release Me!
Stillness Speaks!
Where Physical Reality and Faerie Meet.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Healing with the Fairies: Miracle Healing

So I chose to use Healing with the Fairies but I have to also mention that the Angels are still adamant about Visualizing Success. So don't give up, keep seeing the success you desire and visualize it as best as you can! Keep Inspired!

Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue
Miracle Healing

"Expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."

Heaven is completely on your side, and your prayers have been heard and answered. You needn't beg or petition heaven to help you, as your situation is already healed in truth. The healed reality is one of several parallel realities currently available to you. You have the choice, through your thoughts, emotions, and intentions, to experience the highest possible reality for yourself.

You access your healed situation through faith and gratitude. To feel these powerful catalyzing emotions, say mentally or aloud to God, "I am tired of thinking about this situation. I don't want to deal with it any longer. Here, I'm giving the entire thing to You so that You can think about it and resolve it. Thank You so much for taking care of everything." Then, detach completely from the situation. See yourself placing it in the palm of God's loving hand. Feel grateful that your situation is now resolved, and be open to the creative solution that greets you.

Affirmation: In truth, everything and everyone, including myself, is healed right now. I focus on this truth, instead of on illusions of fear.

The Fae are impressing upon me the importance of intention and to go with the angels message of Visualizing Success. You have done so, and now it is time to know that all is well, all is taken care of and start to claim it as it should be claimed. I am also being asked to remind you that you can suffocate your situation by being involved in it too much. Its time to let things go, let it run its natural course, it cannot change and shift the way you desire if you do not allow it to breathe and move on. Let go and send love to your situation knowing that the Divine has taken care of it as well as you in the process!

Many Blessings!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Magical Messages from the Fairies:

Magical Messages from the Fairies: 
Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself
"Be Honest with yourself. Only you know what it is that you truly desire." 
Well well well what do we have here! The Fae have come out to play but this time they are vibrating at the rate of... TRUTH! They say that you are denying an aspect of who you are or a situation that you are currently in and not speaking truth of it. It is time to admit to yourself exactly what is going on and face it head on! Only you can change your current circumstance and you are being asked to admit to yourself who you are and who you desire yourself to be! Wish to change your current predicament? Well first acknowledge it so that you can move on from it. Look at the situation and smile, look at it and honor it, thank it for the lessons that you have learned from it and allow for those lessons to blend into who you will be from this point on, what no longer serves you see it dissolve and fade away. Now that you have been honest with yourself, ask yourself where do you wish to go from here? Be In Your Truth And Keep It Moving!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ascended Masters: Merlin

Ascended Masters: Merlin - Energy Healing

There is a lot of energy that surrounds you at this moment in your life! You feel called to create something 'big' but are not sure what that should be

Merlin comes forth to awaken your hidden talents. You have a deep urge within your core that yearns to come out, to be released. This is why you are being asked to go through a period of healing. Through this healing work you will clear a l...ot of old patterns so that you can make room for your souls desire to bubble forth from its cauldron. What better time to address such things then right now! With Mercury Retrograde energies that come forth with beliefs and old patterns are on high! VERY easy for you to see what needs to be shed and what you desire to keep. Take advantage of this moment and clear what no longer serves you. Also, start working more with your hands. Work with the chakras to promote healing. You are attracting things quite fast right now, so be clear about what you want, don't focus on the things you do not want, focus on the qualities of what you choose to bring into your life! Healer Heal Thyself!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Message from The Fae!

57 - The Joy of The Future! FANTASTIC! I am so excited to bring this card and its energies to you! The Fae are amazingly ecstatic!

 This card is really focusing on the present moment! It is saying that right now you are going through some amazing changes as was stated in the previous card *yesterday* well todays card is all about the Joy of your Future energies! You are... anxious and you are in a bit of a fear mode as well anticipating what is to come as you clearly know there IS indeed something coming for you. But this is where it gets FUN! Instead of wasting and burning all your energy on thoughts of fear and something 'negative' why don't you focus that beautiful energy on to something positive and KNOW that your future holds amazing and great things for you! The Faeries focus on the present moment! The NOW! and this is something we must learn to do. Learn to focus on your moment right now and to enjoy it, make the most of it, and if you are going to daydream about tomorrow well daydream BIG and have beautiful experiences, don't feed the fear based energies around you, stop worrying for a moment and give life to your wildest dreams! KNOW that all is as it should be and that all is taken care of! KNOW that your future is joyous and is awaiting you to claim it!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Angel Therapy Oracle: Inspiration!

Angel Therapy Oracle: Emotional Sensitivity! "Honor and Respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all! 
 The Angels speak loud and clear with this message! They say that they understand that we are going through a shift in energy, there may be times when you feel really strong pulses of emotions, anger, and sorrow are going to be two of the st...rongest. You may cry out of nowhere or something very simple may really get at you and ignite the fire within. You are in a process of change and the Angels ask you to call to them, ask them for their assistance and they will be by your side. Your Emotions are indicators as to what is really going on in a situation. Pay attention to them and let them guide you. Ask to be surrounded with those who support you and that align with your highest and best. Share that emotional support, live it and spread the love! Times are changing and so are YOU! If something is on your mind and your emotions are flagging up, ask yourself what is going on, ask your emotions what they want to share with you? Clear the things that come up and release them, Let go and Forgive! Allow for them to be released into the Angels hands so that they can transform and send it to Divine Love! You are a beautiful Divine Being and your Emotions are well deserved and Loved! Honor them!