The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Adventures of a Deviant Witch: 2 of Pentacles

As the Gypsy Raven dances in the midst of Chaos our journey begins.. The Waxing Moon has brought good news to us and yet a death omen. Her hips sway to the east the holder of wisdom, the keeper of the winds... bringing balance as she sways sharp to the west, the lover of emotions, the spirit waters of old.. She dances in circles raising energy; her body submissive to the Old Ones, possessed. In her hands Discs with Stars engraved upon them flying through the air as she twirls to the heavens and crashes down to earth. High and Low! Her people chant creating more energy to the center of her show. The Gypsy Raven trances for new beginnings, to aid her people in battle! The Blue Flame ignites in the center, consuming her! Suspended in air as the flames take her, the people keep to their chants. The Gypsy ecstatic lets out her final spell... 'Knosce te Ipsum' and as fast as she casts the Blue Flame Consumes her, shifting, returning her to that which she came.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Pounding of the Old Ones Moves the Soul
Blue Fire of the In-Between creates a Door
Through It Walk, Same… No More
Lift Up, Our Bodies Meet
Divine and Primal
Physical, Raw, Sensual
Coming Down to join the Earth
Release Me!
Stillness Speaks!
Where Physical Reality and Faerie Meet.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Healing with the Fairies: Miracle Healing

So I chose to use Healing with the Fairies but I have to also mention that the Angels are still adamant about Visualizing Success. So don't give up, keep seeing the success you desire and visualize it as best as you can! Keep Inspired!

Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue
Miracle Healing

"Expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."

Heaven is completely on your side, and your prayers have been heard and answered. You needn't beg or petition heaven to help you, as your situation is already healed in truth. The healed reality is one of several parallel realities currently available to you. You have the choice, through your thoughts, emotions, and intentions, to experience the highest possible reality for yourself.

You access your healed situation through faith and gratitude. To feel these powerful catalyzing emotions, say mentally or aloud to God, "I am tired of thinking about this situation. I don't want to deal with it any longer. Here, I'm giving the entire thing to You so that You can think about it and resolve it. Thank You so much for taking care of everything." Then, detach completely from the situation. See yourself placing it in the palm of God's loving hand. Feel grateful that your situation is now resolved, and be open to the creative solution that greets you.

Affirmation: In truth, everything and everyone, including myself, is healed right now. I focus on this truth, instead of on illusions of fear.

The Fae are impressing upon me the importance of intention and to go with the angels message of Visualizing Success. You have done so, and now it is time to know that all is well, all is taken care of and start to claim it as it should be claimed. I am also being asked to remind you that you can suffocate your situation by being involved in it too much. Its time to let things go, let it run its natural course, it cannot change and shift the way you desire if you do not allow it to breathe and move on. Let go and send love to your situation knowing that the Divine has taken care of it as well as you in the process!

Many Blessings!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Magical Messages from the Fairies:

Magical Messages from the Fairies: 
Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself
"Be Honest with yourself. Only you know what it is that you truly desire." 
Well well well what do we have here! The Fae have come out to play but this time they are vibrating at the rate of... TRUTH! They say that you are denying an aspect of who you are or a situation that you are currently in and not speaking truth of it. It is time to admit to yourself exactly what is going on and face it head on! Only you can change your current circumstance and you are being asked to admit to yourself who you are and who you desire yourself to be! Wish to change your current predicament? Well first acknowledge it so that you can move on from it. Look at the situation and smile, look at it and honor it, thank it for the lessons that you have learned from it and allow for those lessons to blend into who you will be from this point on, what no longer serves you see it dissolve and fade away. Now that you have been honest with yourself, ask yourself where do you wish to go from here? Be In Your Truth And Keep It Moving!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ascended Masters: Merlin

Ascended Masters: Merlin - Energy Healing

There is a lot of energy that surrounds you at this moment in your life! You feel called to create something 'big' but are not sure what that should be

Merlin comes forth to awaken your hidden talents. You have a deep urge within your core that yearns to come out, to be released. This is why you are being asked to go through a period of healing. Through this healing work you will clear a l...ot of old patterns so that you can make room for your souls desire to bubble forth from its cauldron. What better time to address such things then right now! With Mercury Retrograde energies that come forth with beliefs and old patterns are on high! VERY easy for you to see what needs to be shed and what you desire to keep. Take advantage of this moment and clear what no longer serves you. Also, start working more with your hands. Work with the chakras to promote healing. You are attracting things quite fast right now, so be clear about what you want, don't focus on the things you do not want, focus on the qualities of what you choose to bring into your life! Healer Heal Thyself!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Message from The Fae!

57 - The Joy of The Future! FANTASTIC! I am so excited to bring this card and its energies to you! The Fae are amazingly ecstatic!

 This card is really focusing on the present moment! It is saying that right now you are going through some amazing changes as was stated in the previous card *yesterday* well todays card is all about the Joy of your Future energies! You are... anxious and you are in a bit of a fear mode as well anticipating what is to come as you clearly know there IS indeed something coming for you. But this is where it gets FUN! Instead of wasting and burning all your energy on thoughts of fear and something 'negative' why don't you focus that beautiful energy on to something positive and KNOW that your future holds amazing and great things for you! The Faeries focus on the present moment! The NOW! and this is something we must learn to do. Learn to focus on your moment right now and to enjoy it, make the most of it, and if you are going to daydream about tomorrow well daydream BIG and have beautiful experiences, don't feed the fear based energies around you, stop worrying for a moment and give life to your wildest dreams! KNOW that all is as it should be and that all is taken care of! KNOW that your future is joyous and is awaiting you to claim it!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Angel Therapy Oracle: Inspiration!

Angel Therapy Oracle: Emotional Sensitivity! "Honor and Respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all! 
 The Angels speak loud and clear with this message! They say that they understand that we are going through a shift in energy, there may be times when you feel really strong pulses of emotions, anger, and sorrow are going to be two of the st...rongest. You may cry out of nowhere or something very simple may really get at you and ignite the fire within. You are in a process of change and the Angels ask you to call to them, ask them for their assistance and they will be by your side. Your Emotions are indicators as to what is really going on in a situation. Pay attention to them and let them guide you. Ask to be surrounded with those who support you and that align with your highest and best. Share that emotional support, live it and spread the love! Times are changing and so are YOU! If something is on your mind and your emotions are flagging up, ask yourself what is going on, ask your emotions what they want to share with you? Clear the things that come up and release them, Let go and Forgive! Allow for them to be released into the Angels hands so that they can transform and send it to Divine Love! You are a beautiful Divine Being and your Emotions are well deserved and Loved! Honor them!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm Baaack!

I have been gone for some time now but I just want everyone to know that I am back! Life threw many obstacles in my path and I just didn't have the energy to keep up with the daily Tarot posts. I felt like there wasn't really anyone out there listening to what I was offering and figured it wouldn't be such a loss then for me not to go along with my posts. Well I've shifted my perception and I've decided to start posting again! Lets talk about some new things happening!

First off, I changed the blog site back to its blogger link so that I can have an actual front page called Tarot Odyssey. I did this because I am in the process of creating a Tarot Course that I will host here for all of those looking for Training. Tarot is my passion and I love it, I love teaching it as well. So keep looking back for more information on my Tarot Course!

I do offer Tarot Readings that I'd love for you to check out! You can find my services on my personal site . Each reading helps me to keep up the many sites that I do offer and helps me to keep taking training courses and enhancing my skills to be a better Reader for my clients and a better teacher for my students!

I'm excited to be here and to bring you the information that will be hosted here as well. Keep checking back for new perceptions and always feel free to leave a comment!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 6th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Saturday February 6th
Deck Used: Louise Hay's Wisdom Cards

"I Treat Myself With Unconditional Love"

Affirm this throughout the day allow for its energy to raise yours and see the beauty in all things!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 5th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Friday February 5th
Deck Used: None

Today's inspiration does not come from a Tarot or Oracle deck but from Spirit direct.

Be Thankful! Take a look at all your blessings, look at life and your surroundings and be thankful for what you have! Find something in your daily life to be thankful for and express that energy. Put that out and love that moment.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 4th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday February 4th
Deck Used: Ascended Masters Oracle

Energy Healing

It is time to take the power that you have and expand it. You are a divine being and are capable of amazing things! Don't doubt yourself. Know that you are capable of these great blessings. Lately you may of felt the pull towards energy most specifically healing. Your hands generate a lot of power and you are able to will and direct this power. This card asks you to honor that aspect of your soul and to allow for it to unfold. It is time to take a class or course on healing. It is time to nurture that aspect of you as it has been waiting patiently. This is a card also telling you that you shape and have power over your reality. So start shaping and manifesting in the way you desire. Focus on the healing within your hands that your hands are able to pulsate with. Meditate upon this and let it grow!

Many Blessings!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 3rd, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Wednesday February 3rd
Deck Used: Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards

Spend some time alone in quiet thought. Clear your mind, and focus on your truth and priorities.

Okay my friends! You have come a long way and have done much work but at this moment you may be pushing yourself a bit too far. Its time to rest. The Angels ask that you make sure you get enough rest at night and that you spend some time to relax and lounge a bit. You do a lot of work and you need to take a vacation of sorts to keep you inspired about your work. It is time to take a moment, be still, and breathe. Relax for a spell. You will notice that once you relax a bit and retreat into silence and rest for a bit, the work that you have done will start to grow rapidly. So allow for your work to grow, let it go and rest for a while.

Many Blessings!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 2nd, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Tuesday February 2nd
Deck Used: Louise Hay's Wisdom Cards

"My Motto this year is: "I go for the joy!" Life is here for me to enjoy today."

Love life and enjoy it! Love is the key to all things. Affirm this daily for a week and comment with your experiences!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Inspiration: February 1st, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Monday February 1st
Deck Used: Angel Therapy Oracle

Crown Chakra
"Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine guidance sent in answer to your prayers."

Dear ones! You are being led by the divine and the angels! They are putting things in sync with your path, what you desire to bring forth it is all falling into place. You may be looking at something and then moving only to look back fast to see if that is exactly what you saw. Yes you did see this and yes you are being offered this! Don't pass these opportunities up. You are being given amazing opportunities and the way for you to continue to keep in this vibration is to honor these opportunities and follow your heart. You are being led by god so claim it! Allow for the creative energy of the Divine to trickle down into your being and allow for it to take over and show you the path to which you seek!

Many Blessings!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 31st, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Sunday January 31st
Deck Used: None!

Today's inspiration does not come from a Tarot Deck but from the heart. It is my Birthday today and I realized that as much as we may feel our family is crazy and as much as they annoy us and frustrate us at times. They are our family. We love them even when we don't always like to claim that we do. So my Inspiring thought for today is to really look at your family and your relationships in your family dynamic. Love them and send loving energy to them. Forgive and be grateful for the experiences that you are able to have with them. Thank them for the lessons that they have helped you with along your path. Look to heal old wounds and Look to start anew!

Many Blessings!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 30th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Saturday January 30th
Deck Used: Louise Hay's Wisdom Cards

Well my friends I felt like today we needed an affirmation hence why I chose Louise Hay's Wisdom Cards!

"I AM Worth Loving"

That is today's card so let it soak in. Say it aloud! Sing it, praise it, allow it to shower your being. What do you feel when you affirm this? Comment!

Many Blessings,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 29th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Friday January 29th
Deck Used: Ascended Masters Oracle

Mahachohan Ragoczy

This card is about Learning and Teaching! This card is telling me that you have come quite a ways and have learned quite a lot from your past relationships. You are receiving a great opportunity to clear old patterns to make way for new blessings. When given the opportunity to do this, jump at it if it is something that you desire to do. The energy that you put forward in claiming your lessons and the ability to learn and move on from them will send a ripple out into the universe and make room for more amazing things to come your way. So take all that you have learned, contemplate it all and when someone in your life comes to you, you will have the answers that they seek, you will have the inspiration that they seek of you since you yourself have been in a similar situation. Don't doubt yourself! Allow for the inner teacher from all that you have experienced come forth and let loose. You are a beautiful divine soul! Claim it so!

Many Blessings!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 28th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 28th
Deck Used: Legacy of the Divine Tarot

2 of Cups

The two of cups in this deck is so beautiful! One of my favorite cards definitely. This card is asking you to look at your current relationships with others and find your common ground. Look to those you love and place yourself in your heart center and remember why you love them, remember and be grateful for their energy and their teaching you. This is a card that asks you to express divine love, unconditional love. If you are in a relationship in which you feel stagnant, you feel you are not able to express who you truly are and the love you have for each other then it is time to re-evaluate your situation. It is time to look clearly at where you are and who you are. Do you love yourself truly?  It is time to delve deep into the emotional pool that you yourself have created. How do you feel about your current relationship? Are you ready to commit? Can you look at the person and truly say I love you from deep inside the heart center? Don't lie to yourself be honest. Be in truth as the only way to really heal is to be in truth. Lying to yourself does not help you move forward. This card asks you to pay attention to your emotions, they will guide you but do not allow them to trick you either. You must discern what exactly your emotions are saying vs what your head is telling you they are saying. This card is all about honoring the relationships in your life so look to them, honor them, weed out what does not serve you so that you can make way for the perfect love that is awaiting your call!

Many Blessings!

Question for all: What do you see in this card? What does the 2 of Cups represent to you? How are you weeding out your relationships? How are you honoring those you love? What emotions come forth when you look at this card? I would love to hear your comments!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 27th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Wednesday January 27th
Deck Used: Archangel Oracle Cards

Angel Therapy
Archangel Raphael: "Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens."

Now Now it is time to ask for help! You have things you desire to get done, you have such a challenge that you do not know what to do with. You feel that you cannot go it alone but guess what! You do not have to! You are never alone. It seems that you may of forgotten that you have the assistance of the Angels at your side! All you need to do is Ask. Talk to the Angels, vent to them, let it out. Don't tell them how to solve your challenges but ask them for guidance and for a path to be shown. Ask for a solution and be open to receiving what they will provide and they WILL provide. So take a few moments now to quiet yourself, Breathe deep and call out to the Angels for the help you seek!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 26th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Tuesday January 26th
Deck Used: Rider Waite/Smith

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man comes forth today to ask you to let go of all your struggles, let go of all that binds you. It is time to have a new perspective on life. You have so many things manifesting in your reality right now and the Hanged Man asks you to realize that YOU my dear ones are the ones creating your reality. He asks you to sit back and contemplate what you wish to bring into your reality. Use your divine essence to create the reality you wish to create. Sit back, relax, breathe and contemplate with laughter and humor and list what you desire for your life. You have it all within you, allow the divine creator within to manifest for you, your reality. It is time to stop fighting and to start going with the flow of energy. You need not go up against the stream of life to get where you desire, its time to learn to jump and dive in and float downstream with the flow of life to take you where you desire to be. So Embody the Hanged Man Today! Hang out, contemplate and create!

Many Blessings!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 25th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Monday January 25th
Deck Used: Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

"The energy of crystals supports you and helps with your present situation."

It is time to work with the Crystal world! Grab yourself a Rose quartz and put it to your heart. Breathe it in and feel its love wash over you. Look to your crystals for guidance. You may be feeling a bit weighted down by your everyday drama that seems to get in the way of things but have no fear the crystal kingdom can help you with this. Their vibration is at such a rate where they can truly blast away the blockages and yuck yuck that may be preventing you from experiencing joy! So go get yourself a Rose Quartz and meditate with it. Ask for its beauty and inspiration to shower you and to help open your heart with your highest and best in mind. Allow for the energy of the rose quartz crystal to tap your soul and give you blessings and help you to raise your vibration and become lighter. If you desire to let go of negative thought patterns look to the smokey quartz and allow for it to absorb your negative thought patterns. Bring them to the forefront of your mind and ask that the quartz absorb these and transform them with love. Look to the crystal kingdom to help you along your path. They are beautiful energies that compliment your work!

Many Blessings!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 24th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Sunday January 24th
Deck Used: Healing with the Fairies

Make Music

"Express yourself with music. The fairies urge you to sing, play a musical instrument, tap your fingers, or crack up the stereo."

Music allows for stagnant energy to be picked up and moved out! It gets the spirit truly moving so put on the tunes and start dancing, Allow for music to heal the soul. Listen to your favorite music and pay attention to your body, move with the sounds, allow your body to be submissive to the music and allow the music to move you in ways never before experienced! Music allows for joy and laughter to be had! Express yourself with your music in any way you can and allow for energy to be moved and shifted! You are beautiful!

Affirm: Deep within my soul, I now accept and experience the healing power of music

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 23rd, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Saturday January 23rd
Deck Used: Louise L. Hay's Wisdom Cards

"I accept ALL The Parts of Myself"

You are a beautiful Divine Being! You Deserve Love! You Are Loved! You are Smart and Talented. You are Abundant and money comes to you easily! Claim all that you are. You are whole and are not missing a thing, remember this! There is nothing wrong with who you are!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 22nd, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Friday January 22nd
Deck Used: The Deviant Moon Tarot

8 of Pentacles Rx

Well My Friends! We have some things to talk about and clear out! First of all Its time to pull our heads out of our asses! The 8 of Pentacles reversed tells us that we are too invested in the future that we are allowing our present moment work to be sloppy. This tells of a period in which you may be feeling a bit saddened, not happy with your progression or the work that you are doing. Your boss may be on your case because they see a lack of luster in your time invested at work. You seem lost and clouded but have no fear! The reasoning behind this is because you are looking too far into the future focusing your energy there rather than focusing on making where you are right now at this very moment the best part of your life thus far!  So let us all do something today. Let us take into account our current situation. Let us see where we may not be focusing our attention where it NEEDS to be and start seeing what we can do to liven it up so that we DESIRE to be where we are and to create good work. If we can create the great work NOW our future will be as wonderful as we can allow for it to be! Stay strong and be present!

Many Blessings!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 21st, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 21st
Deck Used: Healing with the Angels

"God and the Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes (and it always does)."

I know that sometimes it may feel that the Angels and God may not be there for you, that they are so far removed from your physical reality that how can they possibly work and hear you? Well This card comes forth to remind you that they cannot and will not leave you. They are forever here with you to be by your side when you desire and when you call. It is our fear and our own personal judgments that blind us from the divine connection that we share with our Angels and Deity. They are saying that you might be going through a rough patch but you are coming out of it and you are receiving many blessings now. The pathway for opportunity is there in front of you for the taking. You have come through and now it is time for you to claim what you desire. You have asked for help and the Universe has granted this now Claim it! Be in love! Be Creative! Have Fun! And Enjoy the many Blessings that are manifesting into your reality Now!

Many Blessings,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 20th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Wednesday January 20th
Deck Used: Archangel Oracle

Take Back Your Power!
Archangel Raziel: "Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life."

Beloved Ones! It is time to recognize your worth! We see you as divine blessings of pure energy. You are Beautiful and have the god given right to create your reality. We ask that you remember this. Take back your power! You are indeed wise beyond your years. You are amazing beings! Do not invest your time or energy into sources that do not create happiness and love within you. We have asked you before and we will ask you now again to start to focus on what you do love and pray for what you desire to bring into your lives. Let god help! Let us help! We are here for you and we are listening. Ask us for what you need. You are a powerful being of beauty and we wish for you to own and honor this. You have all the power in the world that you need to create and work in what you love, now claim it so!

You are strong and courageous! Call upon us and we will be right beside you!

Many Blessings,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Michael: Personal Insight Reading

Michael's Reading on Self: Psychic Insight
Tuesday January 19, 2010

1 – Where I am now in my Psychic Skills

2 of Pentacles

Balancing all that is being given and awakened. Fluid motion. The two of pentacles is almost a haunting picture as she evokes so much from me. I am being guided in all aspects and it is funny because it may seem as if things come to me easily and that I may claim so much and move in a fluid motion but I’ve taken the necessary steps, went through so much challenge and change and endured so much to get to this point. I have released so much and the two of pentacles shows this. That I am in a great state of balance and learning to balance what I know. The Divine is guiding me and giving me so much more to work with as I am already working to find the harmony with what I have right now.

2 – What can I do to improve Clairvoyance?

I need to focus on myself. I need to stop listening to what others are commanding at me and start following what my inner self speaks. I need to let go of imperfect relationships. Let go of people that no longer are in my highest and best. Investing so much energy into certain people takes so much more and the more energy I waste on others the less I am able to focus on what I truly desire and it does not benefit my clairvoyance when I am so scattered. Learning to be in control of Emotions as well will allow me to see more from a detached point of view and thus helping more.

Notice how the Two of Pentacles looks into the 5 of Cups. The Harmony and Balance is being learned and this is what I go through constantly. That battle. That struggle to stay on top it feels as if there is a weight upon my shoulders when there needs not to be.

3 – What can I do to improve Mediumship?

3 of Pentacles

Work with others. Practice more. The three of pentacles talks about three distinct personalities/energies working together to form One but their individuality still shows. To improve my Mediumship I need to seek the assistance of others to possibly form or join a mediumship circle. It is also telling me that I need to build a trust. With myself and my abilities, with spirit and my guides. I need to allow for the fluidity of the connection to come forth and learn to be submissive in a sense to allow the energy to come through. Practice, practice, and more practice!

You can see that the figures in the three of pentacles. One looks to the two of pents, one looks down at the 5 of cups and one looks forward to the next card. They are all in sync, all part of the whole learning and desiring to be worked on to be balanced and to go with the flow of things.

4 – What can I do to improve Clairaudience?

3 of Cups

Celebrate the present moment. There are many situations and beliefs that have been cleared now that are opening the doorways for clairaudience to come through so celebrate these and the more that you honor it the more that it comes forth. The three of cups tells me that I need to let go of the fear of hearing spirit again. Let go of the past traumas that have prevented me from truly hearing what they have to say and allow for the darkness to be shed so that the light may come through stronger.

This is linked to the Three of Pentacles so I feel that the group that I will form or find will be of great importance and pave the way for great things to come. It will unleash much healing and release much challenging issues.

5 – What can I do to improve my Channeling?

Page of Swords Rx

This card feels very heavy to me. The weight of the world in one respect. TO improve my channeling skills I need to really develop discernment and where I place my trust. I keep getting that to improve I need to uncover more about who I truly am, my past lives in order to learn from old patterns to clear and to over come to make way for new energy that will pierce the emotions and forge with the earth in order to create the perfect vessel.

6 – What can I do to improve Clairsentience?

8 of Cups Rx

I need to see things through. I need to take what was given in the three of cups and see it through. Finish it and once I am able to break through my Clairaudience my Clairsentience will follow suit.  It is telling me to give up what I think I “Know” and take that leap of faith, take a risk and jump in deep. To improve Clairsentience I need to learn to be more open to new things, taking the risks of new adventures and paying attention to the emotions that surround me but do not allow them to take hold of me.

7 – What is blocking me from embodying my true Psychic Self?

6 of Swords

Escape. I seem to be running away from old hurts, past traumas things that I have not wanted to face and know that I need to do so in order to move forward with anything that I do. The 6 of Swords says that I have moved forward from a very bad situation a mentally scarring situation a physically hurtful situation into a new place of good situations. So yes this is true. Out with the Old in with the new. But I need to release the old patterns and make way for the new. The Hurtful past does not own me nor will I allow it from preventing me to be what I know I am.

8 – What will come from following the guidance provided?

The Moon

There are many aspects to the Moon Card. In this aspect I feel that following the guidance provided will align me with the true nature of the divine. I will flow with the tides of the moon, flow with divinity and become fluid in nature. I will harness my skills and allow them to move through me and be a great conduit for guidance and insight. Some may think me a little crazy lol but that is okay. I will be in my true place of happiness. To serve spirit.

WOW I must say what a very blunt reading. Very emotional for me actually quite intense. I did notice that a few things popped up which were many Pentacle and Cup cards. And Two Threes as well.  The reading itself was fairly fluid. The cards all sync with each other. I have some work ahead of me indeed but it will be great work! Any comments or insight feel free to post! I welcome any insight anyone would have to offer.

Daily Inspiration: January 19th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Tuesday January 19th
Deck Used: Ascended Masters Oracle

Father, Husband, Brother, Son

Osiris comes forth to allow you to heal your past relationships your past wounds and hurts from Male energies in your life. You have new masculine energy coming into your life and this card is coming forward telling you that its time to release the old baggage of prior males so that you do not bring old beliefs and patterns into the new relationship. Osiris brings change and rebirth! He asks you to let go, to release, to call upon him for help and guidance in creating the necessary change in your life. You may have past issues with your Father or a Past Boyfriend but know that this is the past. Do not allow your past to interfere with your current relationships. If indeed your current relationships are turning sour then look for patterns that may be repeating themselves and look to clear them as soon as possible if it is truly your desire to do so. Honor the Male energy within you as well! Its time to heal! Claim it and own your truth!

Many Blessings!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 18th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Monday January 18th
Deck Used: Rider Waite/Smith

3 of Pentacles

CONGRATULATIONS! The Three of Pentacles is truly an inspirational card. It is a card that tells you that you have what it takes to accomplish your goals. With determination and passion you will achieve what you are going for. On a deeper level this card is about discovering more about who you are. In the physical sense it asks you to really understand your body and your motives. On a spiritual sense the card is asking you to pay attention to the underlying beliefs and thought patterns you have right now. They are truly a guidance point as to where you are and where you can be. This card is telling you that your efforts are paying off, that your hard work and preparation is coming to fruition. Be Happy and expect the best! The time for Miracles is Now! The Decisions that you make now will be beneficial to you even years from now!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 17th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Sunday January 17th
Deck Used: Rider Waite/Smith Tarot

9 of Swords

This card is sometimes unfairly termed "The Nightmare Card." It has been a long week has it not my friends? This card says that A LOT has happened during your week and a lot of change has been worked in. Arguments and Challenges with Co-workers, family members, and so forth. All of it producing this Nightmarish backlash that you are feeling emotionally manifesting. The good news is this! It's OVER! You are just experiencing the remnants of what WAS not having to do with anything that IS at this current state. So let us honor the challenges that we have had during our week. Let us look to them as lessons and be honored that we were able to come through it and learn something from our experiences. Wake up now unto a beautiful reality awaiting your next call.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 16th 2010

Daily Inspiration for Saturday January 16th
Deck Used: Louise L. Hay's Wisdom Cards

"I Express My True Being Today"

What does this mean to you? How does it make you feel?

My guides tell me that this is a great time for expressing yourself. You have been guided to this point in your life and today is the day for you to express exactly who you are! By doing this you show others the way. They learn from you and when they learn you learn as well! Its a continuous process that is full of beauty and great experiences. Be in Love with yourself today, find love and light in all your surroundings and in the words of others. Put it out there. Express your true being today! Claim your greatness and look forward to all the beautiful things that happen in your day today!

Express Yourself!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 15th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Friday January 15th
Deck Used: Tarot of Dreams

Ace of Swords

So I decided to bring out the Tarot of Dreams as I felt it was today that we need to delve deep into our psyche and our dream world to bring about a message that will truly benefit us and bring about the change that truly needs to be had right now. What better card to come forth than an Ace! Aces tell us of great change to come forth.

It is time to delve deep into your heart and soul, Recall the dreams of recent days and what do they say to you? Have you had that awakening moment yet? If not then you will very soon! You are being asked to listen to the inner call of the swords! Listen to what is being asked of you from your spirit. It is a time of knowledge and intellect a time to battle with ones self and from this battle you will learn much and come out on top. Get yourself together, put on your suit and clean up for it is time to go out into the world so that you may shine! You are learning to fly sotospeak and what is asked of you right now is to truly pay attention to what the winds say to you. Change is here and it is for the best! You have called out to the universe for something to happen and now it is so take note of what is coming into your life right now and be thankful for all the blessings you are receiving. Be Strong! Be Wise! And Be Ready!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 14th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 14th
Deck Used: Ascended Masters Oracle

Balance Career and Home Life

"My children be still, listen and learn" Your bodies speak to you pay attention to them. Make sure that your needs are being met. Isis is coming forth into your life asking you to balance out your career and home life. She says that you know exactly what needs to be balanced and its time to start spending at least some time on the things that you have been putting off and to really allow for both energies to have their due time. She asks you to get enough rest! When you work on a tired body its no fun! You get cranky and your performance isn't as well as it should be and you don't feel as great as you can which all sends out energy to manifest for you which i'm sure you do not wish to manifest. Then once you come home you are that much more tired and just start to give up. So stop it! Rest! Sleep an hour early if you must. Don't fret, take time and make time! Life is great and Isis reminds us that we are truly powerful beings but we must honor what our bodies are asking of us and learn to balance all aspects of our lives especially right now that of our Career and Home Life!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 13th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Wednesday January 13th
Deck Used: The Deviant Moon Tarot

Ace of Pentacles Rx

"Let go of the Past" do not hold onto the past for anything! It is time to move on. You thought you had the world in your hands but you only had the materialistic properties without the underlying spiritual physical qualities that would support you. It is time to turn things around and pay attention to what spirit is guiding you to do and what spirit is handing you! Look to what is right in front of you rather bypassing it and staring deep into the past and holding on to grudges that do not serve you. It is time to realize what you truly desire! Yes you have many physical things in your life and yes they are great but do they bring you happiness? Are you truly happy with what you have? The Ace of Pentacles reversed is asking you to truly open up and be honest with yourself. You are a very strong and willful being so embody that and be honest with yourself. Take stock of what you desire out of life, and start implementing habits that will get you to where you desire to be! Stop being so crazy about things that have already happened and let go of your grasp! Allow the universe to provide for you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 12th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Tuesday January 12th
Deck Used: The Psychic Tarot - Oracle Cards

7 - Crown Chakra Rx

The card is The Crown chakra reversed and this tells me that it is time to really work on our higher selves. Work and ask for assistance for our highest and best from the higher realms. I feel that there is a blockage with the link of the divine. You are not allowing the information to flow fluidly thus creating a block in the crown chakra. You may be feeling a lack in your spirituality, almost like you are unplugged from the spirit world or even just in limbo but have no worry! This can all be balanced out by working with your crown chakra and aligning it properly. Ask yourself.. What am I blocking in my life that prevents my crown chakra from achieving its full potential? Listen for the answers.  Remember to keep up with regular meditation and breath work. Focus on the crown Chakra and see the energy pulsating, see the energy there activate and see it spin as normal and allow any stagnant energy to work its way out of your system. The time is now to allow your connection with the Divine to begin again consciously and to claim your rightful place!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Divinities and the Spirit of the Tarot

The Divinities and the Spirit of the Tarot

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Dailiy Inspiration: January 11th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Monday January 11th
Deck Used: Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards

Be Honest With Yourself

Now is the time to really be honest with self. There have been things going on in your life that you may not be totally up front and honest with yourself. I feel that change is occurring rapidly in front of you! Literally in front of you and you have your blinders on because you do not wish to admit what is going on. It is time to come out of denial and to step out of depression and step into your body! It is time to face truth but know this... You do not have to go it alone. Get out into nature, surround yourself with flowers, green grass, and beauty! Talk to the Nature Fairies and ask them for guidance. Let out your worries and your hesitations and why you have not been so honest with yourself. Let it all out and ask them to help you in your highest and best with ease and grace. Leave them a small token of your gratitude when you are finished communicating with them. It is also time to shift your perception of what really is going on. You may think something is happening a certain way but detach yourself and look at it in a different light and ask yourself if you are really seeing it clearly. All is well! Remember to be Honest with yourself!

Affirm: "It's safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 10th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Sunday January 10th
Deck Used: Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards

Debt Paid Off

"The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life."

All I have to say about this card is YAY! It is truly exciting to have the support of the Fairie kingdom and the universe in this opportunity!

The Fairies are here to help with your conscious decision to be free of debt. It is time to make that decision and to claim it as it is done! Whatever type of debt you have racked up, consider it no more. Ask the Fairies for their assistance in aligning with the right thought wave in order to receive this "Debt Paid Off" energy. Pay attention to the glitter of hope that will present itself in your mundane and spiritual lives! The Fae will bring you gifts of opportunity to relieve and eradicate this so-called debt that you have held on to for some time. It is no longer, claim your truth and allow the Fae to help in this. You are a divine being and you receive what your thought patterns are aligned with!

Give thanks to the fae by offering them something of the heart. Ask yourself truly what you feel the fae would love and allow your spirit to speak to you. Place it in a suitable place and give thanks to the Fairies who have and continue to help you along your path of Debt Paid Off!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 9th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Saturday January 9th
Deck Used: Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

2 Cards this time around! As I was shuffling the first card popped out!

Ascended Masters

"Powerful, loving, and wise spiritual teachers are watching over and guiding you."

The Ascended Masters are here for you! They are working in your life with you at this very moment. This card says that they are around you helping and guiding you along your way. You have come far in your journey and you are not alone! Take a moment to breathe and center yourself. What ascended masters come forth to your mind? Those are indeed the ascended masters that are near and around you, helping you and awaiting your conscious acknowledgment to help you further. Hold their name, their energy and/or a picture of them in focus, call out to them and focus on the vibration of energy that comes forth. Ask for help and you shall receive!

Manifestation Power

"Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome"

Now I can see why the two cards came forth! You are being guided divinely yes! But you indeed yourself have great power! Do not fall into the victim role, do not fall prey to those around you who may try and pick at you and keep you asleep in a world that says you have no say and you have no control! This is farthest from the truth. This card asks you to remember your true nature! You are a divine being of god and you have the ability to change your reality! You have a say in what happens and goes and manifests into your world so be clear about what you desire, get out of the victim role and get into the god given role you are destined for!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 8th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Friday January 8th
Deck Used: Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards


Your intentions create your experiences. What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.

Well look at what we have here! I feel that this card goes hand in hand with yesterdays card. After you have taken a great look at your situation and prioritized you now are ready to set the intention for what you truly desire to bring into your life! What is it that you would like to experience in life? Do not think in waves of "I can't, not in this life time, or maybe next year" start asking yourself what exactly you want and start making the intent to bring that into your life, start clearing the way and intending for success!  If you desire help in combating challenging thought patterns that may get in the way of the new ones you would like to implement then call to the angels and ask them for help with this!

I have an exercise for you! Go through your tarot decks and look for a card that represents one thing you would like to bring into your life. Take it out and Intend to work with this card for a week. Intend each day that you have and are grateful for the energy that it brings and for whatever it is you desire. Know that you already have this!

Remember... Make that Intention!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dauly Inspiration: January 7th, 2010

Daily Oracle Card For Thursday January 7, 2010
Deck Used: Archangel Oracle Cards

Archangel Metatron "Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organized and motivated."

Archangel Metatron asks you to take a good look at your present situation. What can you do in your present situation to bring about more energy for YOU! What is it that YOU like to do and what would you like to spend your time on? Start with cleaning out your home, get rid of what no longer serves you, get rid of old products, clothes you haven't worn in a year, things that really have no place to be with you but you have held on to. Prioritize your life! Out with what no longer serves you and In with the fun and things you enjoy to do. If you like to paint then start making time to paint! Really dissect your status, your present place and if you find things that you do not wish to have in your life then get rid of them and allow for new things that better serve you and who you are to come in. Call to the Archangel Metatron for help in prioritizing your life and to help implement new energy for your Highest and Best! All it takes is to ask for help!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 6, 2010

Daily Tarot Card For Wednesday January 6, 2010
Deck Used: Legacy of the Divine

King of Cups

The Kings remind us to take charge of our lives! That we are the creators and co-creators (with the divine) in our everyday lives. The Kings ask us to be strong, to be compassionate but to remember to stand up for what you know is right, what you feel is right, do not allow another to lead you or take you astray. Kings are known for their ability to make the tough calls but the necessary calls and they are able to detach and use the wisdom they have gathered along their path to create what they feel is right. This is what the King is asking you to do.

The King of Cups asks you to open your Heart Chakra and sit in your heart center. You are wise, you are strong place yourself in your heart and expand your awareness to all those around you, expand your heart to encompass your loved ones and those you feel need the extra upliftment. Feel the connection to the world at large! The King of Cups asks us to not judge others, do not allow ignorance to have a negative effect but to allow your heart to rule in your day today. Ask yourself, what is my heart telling me.  The King of Cups is able to use the waters of fluidity to scry and receive answers, to call up all past, present experiences to understand them and to make the proper decision needed to make. So today do not make rash decisions. Look at your past and your present moment, really feel them and place yourself in your heart and ask yourself what do you truly feel about this situation, what would truly benefit you? If all else fails... Ask.. What would the King of Cups do in this situation?

He gives his love, strength, and support and only wishes that we all learn from his experiences and become a well rounded individual that is able to express emotion as well as learn to focus and direct!

Tallwoman Intro

I was first introduced to tarot about 5 years ago. I had just become a pagan, and found my first teacher and learning group. I told her I was interested in learning tarot, and she helped me pick out a deck to learn with.

I've always been intuitive, but wasn't encouraged to use this gift. It took me over 3 years to learn to intuitively read tarot. Years of relying solely on the book, and feeling guilty for doing so. Then I re-read Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein. Her description of how to read tarot made sense, for the first time. People had told me many times over the years how to read, I didn't believe I could do it. She said look at the card. Describe what you see, what stands out for you. How do you feel about it, what thoughts and feelings come to you. That is the meaning of the card. It was an epiphany for me. I began doing more and more readings. I took an online class on reading intuitively, and another on tarot, origins, history, book meanings, correspondences. Together, they helped develop a tarot reader. You need the basics, the history, but you also need to be able to hear what the cards are telling you.

How does tarot work? I don't know. Why do the right cards come up? How do the cards work together to tell a story? I don't know. All I know is they do work. The cards come up for the information you need for that moment. I am a Psychology student who loves science and knowledge. And from that framework, I can't explain tarot. Unless you delve into Jungian Psychology and the Collective Unconscious with all the Archetypes. Tarot then begins to make logical sense to me.

Tarot is a tool not just for divination, but also for meditation to work on self. To grow in directions you wish. It is also a tool for spellwork. Using specific cards to focus your intent when doing spellwork helps immensely. I think this is because the images of the cards speak to the inner child, the fetch, the ego, the self. Tarot cards are useful in daily life, for guidance, for meditation, for strength and direction.

All About Me: Michael Banuelos *Tarot Intuitive*

Lets see...

My Tarot Journey began at around the age of 10/11 when I had a friend who introduced me to paganism and my first metaphysical shop. I fell in love with the Rider Waite/Smith deck! I am now 24 to be 25 on the 30th of this month and my love for the Tarot has only strengthened in intensity! I love reading the cards, I love the insight that they share with me and my clients. I don't claim to know everything on the Tarot but I do claim to have a huge passion and thirst for it! I love learning new things pertaining to the cards and I am always open to hearing others perceptions and thoughts.

It is my true desire for this site to be a place of experience! Not just a place to offer personal insights but a place to offer a Tarot Haven for those who seek knowledge and to come and discuss and enjoy and learn! I am excited for this project! We will have loads of fun and definitely grow from this journey!