The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 21st, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 21st
Deck Used: Healing with the Angels

"God and the Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes (and it always does)."

I know that sometimes it may feel that the Angels and God may not be there for you, that they are so far removed from your physical reality that how can they possibly work and hear you? Well This card comes forth to remind you that they cannot and will not leave you. They are forever here with you to be by your side when you desire and when you call. It is our fear and our own personal judgments that blind us from the divine connection that we share with our Angels and Deity. They are saying that you might be going through a rough patch but you are coming out of it and you are receiving many blessings now. The pathway for opportunity is there in front of you for the taking. You have come through and now it is time for you to claim what you desire. You have asked for help and the Universe has granted this now Claim it! Be in love! Be Creative! Have Fun! And Enjoy the many Blessings that are manifesting into your reality Now!

Many Blessings,

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