The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 28th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 28th
Deck Used: Legacy of the Divine Tarot

2 of Cups

The two of cups in this deck is so beautiful! One of my favorite cards definitely. This card is asking you to look at your current relationships with others and find your common ground. Look to those you love and place yourself in your heart center and remember why you love them, remember and be grateful for their energy and their teaching you. This is a card that asks you to express divine love, unconditional love. If you are in a relationship in which you feel stagnant, you feel you are not able to express who you truly are and the love you have for each other then it is time to re-evaluate your situation. It is time to look clearly at where you are and who you are. Do you love yourself truly?  It is time to delve deep into the emotional pool that you yourself have created. How do you feel about your current relationship? Are you ready to commit? Can you look at the person and truly say I love you from deep inside the heart center? Don't lie to yourself be honest. Be in truth as the only way to really heal is to be in truth. Lying to yourself does not help you move forward. This card asks you to pay attention to your emotions, they will guide you but do not allow them to trick you either. You must discern what exactly your emotions are saying vs what your head is telling you they are saying. This card is all about honoring the relationships in your life so look to them, honor them, weed out what does not serve you so that you can make way for the perfect love that is awaiting your call!

Many Blessings!

Question for all: What do you see in this card? What does the 2 of Cups represent to you? How are you weeding out your relationships? How are you honoring those you love? What emotions come forth when you look at this card? I would love to hear your comments!

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