The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tallwoman Intro

I was first introduced to tarot about 5 years ago. I had just become a pagan, and found my first teacher and learning group. I told her I was interested in learning tarot, and she helped me pick out a deck to learn with.

I've always been intuitive, but wasn't encouraged to use this gift. It took me over 3 years to learn to intuitively read tarot. Years of relying solely on the book, and feeling guilty for doing so. Then I re-read Positive Magic by Marion Weinstein. Her description of how to read tarot made sense, for the first time. People had told me many times over the years how to read, I didn't believe I could do it. She said look at the card. Describe what you see, what stands out for you. How do you feel about it, what thoughts and feelings come to you. That is the meaning of the card. It was an epiphany for me. I began doing more and more readings. I took an online class on reading intuitively, and another on tarot, origins, history, book meanings, correspondences. Together, they helped develop a tarot reader. You need the basics, the history, but you also need to be able to hear what the cards are telling you.

How does tarot work? I don't know. Why do the right cards come up? How do the cards work together to tell a story? I don't know. All I know is they do work. The cards come up for the information you need for that moment. I am a Psychology student who loves science and knowledge. And from that framework, I can't explain tarot. Unless you delve into Jungian Psychology and the Collective Unconscious with all the Archetypes. Tarot then begins to make logical sense to me.

Tarot is a tool not just for divination, but also for meditation to work on self. To grow in directions you wish. It is also a tool for spellwork. Using specific cards to focus your intent when doing spellwork helps immensely. I think this is because the images of the cards speak to the inner child, the fetch, the ego, the self. Tarot cards are useful in daily life, for guidance, for meditation, for strength and direction.

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