The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 14th, 2010

Daily Inspiration for Thursday January 14th
Deck Used: Ascended Masters Oracle

Balance Career and Home Life

"My children be still, listen and learn" Your bodies speak to you pay attention to them. Make sure that your needs are being met. Isis is coming forth into your life asking you to balance out your career and home life. She says that you know exactly what needs to be balanced and its time to start spending at least some time on the things that you have been putting off and to really allow for both energies to have their due time. She asks you to get enough rest! When you work on a tired body its no fun! You get cranky and your performance isn't as well as it should be and you don't feel as great as you can which all sends out energy to manifest for you which i'm sure you do not wish to manifest. Then once you come home you are that much more tired and just start to give up. So stop it! Rest! Sleep an hour early if you must. Don't fret, take time and make time! Life is great and Isis reminds us that we are truly powerful beings but we must honor what our bodies are asking of us and learn to balance all aspects of our lives especially right now that of our Career and Home Life!

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