The Vegan Witch meets Tarot Odyssey!

Take a seat, and get ready to experience something like never before!

This site is going through a major change! I am bridging my Vegan Lifestyle with my Passion for Tarot and the Spirit World as well as all things Metaphysical and Physical! You will still receive Tarot and Oracle Insight here as well as other information pertaining to Health and the Vegan Path. Let us share with one another, learn together and have fun doing it!

I welcome my many passions here! The Vegan Witch Joins Tarot Odyssey!

Many Blessings and Lots of Love!

Michael 'The Vegan Witch'

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daily Inspiration: January 6, 2010

Daily Tarot Card For Wednesday January 6, 2010
Deck Used: Legacy of the Divine

King of Cups

The Kings remind us to take charge of our lives! That we are the creators and co-creators (with the divine) in our everyday lives. The Kings ask us to be strong, to be compassionate but to remember to stand up for what you know is right, what you feel is right, do not allow another to lead you or take you astray. Kings are known for their ability to make the tough calls but the necessary calls and they are able to detach and use the wisdom they have gathered along their path to create what they feel is right. This is what the King is asking you to do.

The King of Cups asks you to open your Heart Chakra and sit in your heart center. You are wise, you are strong place yourself in your heart and expand your awareness to all those around you, expand your heart to encompass your loved ones and those you feel need the extra upliftment. Feel the connection to the world at large! The King of Cups asks us to not judge others, do not allow ignorance to have a negative effect but to allow your heart to rule in your day today. Ask yourself, what is my heart telling me.  The King of Cups is able to use the waters of fluidity to scry and receive answers, to call up all past, present experiences to understand them and to make the proper decision needed to make. So today do not make rash decisions. Look at your past and your present moment, really feel them and place yourself in your heart and ask yourself what do you truly feel about this situation, what would truly benefit you? If all else fails... Ask.. What would the King of Cups do in this situation?

He gives his love, strength, and support and only wishes that we all learn from his experiences and become a well rounded individual that is able to express emotion as well as learn to focus and direct!

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